Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 12, 13 and 14 (The weekend)

Well-- this weekend, the rides have sounded pretty good overall. I am going mostly by voicemails- as I had guests and a party and never seemed to get to the phone in time to catch up with her.

Friday she left a voicemail that she rode with Mike and really enjoyed it- Apparently, she also went with him and Kurt to dinner and they were trying to convince her to go to some Cowboy Bar there in OK. That was funny-Of course she said, "No." Or that's what she said she said- Ha wonder if she went???

Saturday, I got a message that she made it to Purcell OK and she was "dead tired" as it was a hilly course. She rode with Mike and again really enjoyed it but they got to the lunch stop too early (again) and they were in the doghouse -again . Because of this, they were punished--they would have to start the ride last in the morning. She said Mike was calling her a "trouble maker" - said in fun- of course. But the real new nickname for her is "Bicycle Spice Girl!"

I think she said she went out to dinner with Mike and Kurt again that night. They sound like her new Posse' as she is quite fond of them. Lastly, tonight, Sunday, I got a message that she and Mike were going out to Chili's and she talked about how Good her new young friend, Mike has been to her. She said she had to buy a new wheel today because she ran over some machinery part in the road. A hundred and thirty bucks not expected---oddly she didn't seem too upset about it because she repeated how great Mike has been to her-how fast he is to ride with and generally how kind he is etc... She did sound a little nervous when she went on to say they will have a steep climb-- 8500 feet tomorrow--She also got a massage and is drinking lots of water. Hopefully- she can relax at dinner and not stress about it. Maybe Mike will give her a pep talk and pull her most of the way- The last thing on her message was that she'd call tomorrow- "If I survive."

The picture is Mike and Lynn - stage win on day 14-

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